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Lotus Print

Lotus Print

Print size: 16" x 10"

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
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The lotus struggles in its infancy, growing through the mud before reaching the surface to bloom into a beautiful flower. This is why it is seen as a symbol for overcoming adversity.

In this piece, the peaceful goddess who is strong and content, is  being shown by the lotus that she needs to harness the power of Fudo Myo-o. He is the lord of light, the immovable and unshakable one that will guide your spirit past temptation into enlightenment.

We all have this within us and my wish is that this piece will remind you that when you are facing hard times, dig deep and look within yourselves, because we all have that inner strength to overcome any obstacle that is in our way. 

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Tim O'Connor

Artist/ Owner - 10 Thousand Foxes Tattoo , Astoria NYC @10kfoxes_queens Helios Pro Team Artist @heliostattoo

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