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Buddha Kali Print

Buddha Kali Print

Print size: 16.5" x 9"

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
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In this piece, the Buddha represents Wisdom and Enlightenment while Kali signifies Power and Destruction.

While the Buddha here is peaceful and content, with its hand in the gyan mudra which represents knowledge and wisdom; the Kali is fierce and aggressive, the supreme protector and ultimate destroyer. There are aspects of both of these figures that we need to thrive and survive, yet finding that balance is not always easy.

I hope that this piece of art with encourage you to continually work to try and find that balance, so that you can reach your ultimate goals and potential.  

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Tim O'Connor

Artist/ Owner - 10 Thousand Foxes Tattoo , Astoria NYC @10kfoxes_queens Helios Pro Team Artist @heliostattoo

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